Privacy policy

When you use our services, you are trusting us with your information.
We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.
This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information.

1. General terms

1.1. The present Privacy Policy defines the way of obtaining, keeping, processing, applying and disclosing personal data of users, visitors and all other interested parties (hereinafter referred to as – the Users) of the web-site  (hereinafter referred to as – the Website).

1.2. Users’ personal data and documents during their placement, receiving and transfer, as well as during the use of the Website, are received by the Website owner – “KNESS ENERGY”, LLC (registered number 43042557, hereinafter referred to as – the Company).

1.3. The User confirms his/her awareness with the present Privacy Policy and signifies his/her unconditional agreement with its terms when he/she makes an online-application (fills in the form) on the Website and/or contacts Website’s technical support by phone.

1.4. The User is not allowed to use the Website if he/she does not agree with terms of the present Privacy Policy.

1.5. The User fully commits to terms of the present Privacy Policy and provides the Company with the right to collect, register, accumulate, store, adapt, change, update, apply and share (repost, disposal, transfer), impersonate, eliminate User’s personal data, including the use of information (automated) systems on terms of the present Privacy Policy. Herewith, the User releases the Company from the obligation to notify him/her on individual basis about passing his/her personal data to: Company’s business partners, involved in branches of business activity related to performing and/or processing of User’s applications and forms regarding electricity supply, services of Automatic system for commercial accounting of power consumption, systems for forecasting electricity generation by solar power plants, set of security measures for SPP, and any other questions that appear when using the Website.

1.6. The User takes total responsibility for his/her actions on the Website, as well as for actions of parties made on his/her behalf with the application of his/her personal identification data.

1.7. The User acknowledges that in case of negligent attitude of the User to safety and protection of his/her personal data and authorization data, third parties may get the unauthorized access to User’s account, personal and other data of the User. The Company does not take responsibility for losses caused by such access.

1.8.  A sufficient notification to the User about the inclusion of his data to database “Users” will be a notification in the form of a popup box informing about awareness with the Policy.

1.9. The User takes responsibility for data authenticity and relevance, and information content that is published by him/her on the Website, including after its moderation. The Company has the right to perform control of information published by the User, and notify the User who published inappropriate information of such cases.

1.10. The Company has the right to use User’s personal data for mailing news and hot offers, making orders for products purchase, operations and providing services.

2. Types of information and personal data that may be collected on the Website:

2.1. First name, last name, patronymic name, his/her contacts (phone number, email, location; IP-address, type of operating system, browser, time and date of visiting the Website*; accounting data of inquiry form, open data of profiles in social networks, job position, tax position of self-employed individual, post and banking details, possession of a license (permits) to perform certain types of business activity etc.;

* Such information may be treated as personal data only in case if it directly allows to identify the User.

2.2. Cookies, to define the User’s browser and provide services depending on this, for example, storing data in a basket when not visiting the Website;

2.3. Information on violation of  the Website intended use by the User, including publishing of corruptive, insulting and other inappropriate information by the User;

2.4. All information is collected “as it is” and is not changed by the Company during the process of collection.

3. The purpose of usage User’s information and personal data

3.1. Information about the User, including personal data, is used by the Company exceptionally to provide implementation of civil and legal relations, fiscal relations and relation in branch of accounting, fulfillment of agreement obligations on providing services, to identify the User, to sell products, execute works and provide services, process payments, send information by mail, email, execute payment transactions, report, execute bookkeeping and management accounting, improve quality of provided services, perform marketing researches of the Company, protect rights and legal interests of the Users and third parties according to Ukraine’s current legislation.

3.2. To identify the User and provide him/her with the services on the Website (including his/her access to use the Website), information stated below may be used: first name, last name, patronymic name, email, password for the Website, open data of profiles in social networks (for access to the Website via social accounts; User’s photos (in case of sharing them in User’s account), job position, tax position of self-employed individual and his/her accounting details (including banking details), possession of a license (permits) to perform certain types of business activity etc.

3.3. The User’s contact information may be used for mailing, for example: messages with the website news, promotions or hot deals etc. The User may unsubscribe from mailing list at any moment using his/her contact information in the written message.

3.4. To execute correspondence regarding use of the Website, sell products, execute works and/or provide services, the User’s first name, last name, patronymic name, accounting details, contact phone numbers, email, residence address may be used.

4. Grounds for disclosure of User’s information and personal data

4.1. The Company does not transfer Users’ personal data to third parties, except cases provided below.

4.2. The Company guarantees fetch protection of Users’ information and personal data. Users’ personal data included in the database of personal data is automatically processed on the Website, herewith it is stored depersonalized and encrypted that excludes the possibility to identify a person. Protection is provided by impossibility of leak, destruction and blocking of information, corruption of information and data access mode, Users’ data encryption for safe data exchange based on modern technologies and encryption protocols, as well as placing all Users’ data on cloud data-centers, certified by the highest Ukrainian and international standards of data safety, quality and storage.

4.3. Disclosure of personal data with no User’s or his/her authorized person’s consent is admitted in cases established by the law and just in national security interests, economic security and human rights, in particular, but not limited by reasonable requests of public authorities that have the right to make requests and receive such data.

4.4. Disclosure of personal data, including transfer of such data to third parties is possible and will be made only by the User’s consent. Such User’s consent may be declared by him/her during direct written appeal to the Company.

4.5. Disclosure of personal data, including transfer of such data to third parties without User’s written consent is possible only in cases directly provided by requirements of Ukraine’s current legislation.

5. User’s information change and/or deleting procedure

5.1. At any moment of time, the Users may change/delete personal information or unsubscribe from mailing. In order to do this, it is sufficient to write an email or fill in the feedback form.

5.2. A sufficient notification to the User about deletion or other processing of his/her personal information will be a message (information) sent to email indicated by the User on the Website. 

6. Changes in Privacy Policy

6.1. The Company may change terms of Privacy Policy by making changes on the Website on page

6.2. The Users commit themselves to look through the terms from time to time to be informed on how the Company protects information about the Users on the Website.

6.3. The Company is not responsible for damages or losses caused to the User or third parties as the result of misconception or incomprehension of this Privacy Policy term regarding the way of placing data and other technical issues.

7. Users’ rights

7.1. A website User has the below listed rights according to article 8 of the Act of Ukraine “About personal Data Security”:

– be aware of sources of collecting, storing of his/her personal data, aim of their processing, residence or place of living of personal data owner or custodian, or ask authorized representatives for receiving of this information, except the cases established by law;

– receive information about terms of providing access to personal data, in particular, information about third parties to whom his/her personal data is passed;

– to access to his/her personal data;

– receive the answer on whether his personal data is processed and receive the content of such personal data not later than 30 calendar days since the day of request delivery, except the cases established by the law;

– present a grounded demand to the personal data owner with an objection against his/her personal data processing;

– present a grounded demand regarding change or deletion of his/her personal data by any personal data owner and custodian, if this data is processed illegitimately or is unreliable;

– to protection of his/her personal data from illegal processing and unintentional loss, elimination, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to submit or failure to make the submission in time, as well as to protection from providing information that is unreliable or discredit honor, dignity and business reputation of a private person;

– to appeal regarding processing of his/her personal data to the Verkhovna Rada Representative  on Human Rights or to court;

– to apply legal tools in case of breach of legislation on protection of personal data;

– introduce precautions regarding restriction of rights to process his/her personal data during provision of consent;

– to withdraw consent to process personal data;

– to know the mechanism of automatic personal data processing;

– to protection from automated decision that has legal consequences for him/her.

8. Other terms

8.1. In case if any term of the Privacy Policy, including any proposal, clause or their part, is admitted to be one that is contrary to the law or invalid, then, other terms, that are not contrary to the law, remain in legal force and are valid, and any invalid term or term that cannot be executed, is considered to be changed, revised to the extent that is necessary to provide its actuality and possibility of execution.

8.2. The User has the rights provided by the Act of Ukraine “About Personal Data Security”.

8.3. The present Privacy Policy is applied to the User since the moment he/she agrees with the terms of the present Privacy Policy on the Website.

9. Contacts of the Company

9.1. In case of the arising questions, proposals, petitions etc., please, refer by the address:

21022, Vinnytsia region, Vinnytsia, Enerhetychna str., 5a (“KNESS ENERGY”, LLC)
